Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Mochamad Rifky Rifaldi  
Npm   : 14216454
Dosen : Nevy Forika
Mat.Kul : B. Inggris 2#
Universitas Gunadarma

Present Perfect vs Simple Past

1. I have seen that movie already
2. I saw that movie yesterday
3.I have read that novel by Faulkner several times before
4. I read that novel again during my last vacation
5. Mr. Foster studied at New York University last year
6. Mr. Foster had studied French in this class since  last September
7. Miss Cunningham lived in Detroit from 1940-1946
8. Miss Cunningham had lived in New York since the time
9. Our guests had a good time at the party last night
10. Our guests have had a good time ever since their arrival.
11. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan saw the Coliseum in Rome in 1948
12. Dr. Duncan had seen the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.
13. The Browns was in Detroit twice since Christmas.
14. The Browns had been in San Fransisco the week before last.
15. My wife and I have traveled by air many times in the past.
16. My wife and I traveled to Mexico by air last summer.
17. The students finally finished that exercise!
18. The students have started that exercise about three hours ago.
19. We received the boy’s telegram at 08:00 p.m. last night.
20. We have sent them a special delivery reply already.
21. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson visited Paris before the last war.
22. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson have visited Paris many times since the war.
23. We have studied almost every lesson in this book so far.
24. We studied a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
25. I had a little trouble with my car last week.
26. However, I have had no trouble with my car since then.
27. We never have watched the television program.
28. We watched an interesting program on television last night.
29. That tell fellow worked here for the past three weeks.
30. Formerly, he had worked for the A.B.C. Company in Boston.
31. Mr. Shaw is my English teacher. He have had here for six years.
32. He finished his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.

The Present Tenses

1.                  We have been studying English in this class since last September
2.                  My teacher teaches English at this school for six years
3.                  Listen! I think someone is knocking at the front door
4.                  Mr.Smith pays all of his bills at the end of the month
5.                  I have seen the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona several times
6.                  It will be rain, usually very much in that part of the United States
7.                  Mr. and Mrs. Garcia have made much progress since October
8.                  Those students have made much progress since October
9.                  My friend Frank owes Fred Foster fifty-five dollars
10.              I am sorry. I forgot that fellow's name already
11.              Mr. Johnson's secretary sits at a different desk today
12.              I have no trouble with my English lessons up to now
13.              Richard is looking fordward to his vacation next June
14.              The tall girl in the front seat comes from South America
15.              Yes, we have heard that new song several times
16.              My wife and I have been living in this city for almost nine years
17.              The boys studies their lessons together every afternoon
18.              Thomas has been having a good time here every afternoon
19.              I need some more money for my books and tuition
20.              At present, that author is writting a historical novel
21.              Our present teacher has lived in this city all of his life
22.              Miss Fox is talking to someone on the telephone at the moment
23.              My friend Felix has been in this country for a long time
24.              Up to the present, George has done good work in this class
25.              Those four people have been here since eight o'clock
26.              Daniel Soto works thirty-eight hours a week
27.              We have written almost every exercise in this book up to now
28.              The weather generally gets quite hot in July and August
29.              So far, you have made no mistakes on this exercise
30.              At the moment, I am reading a book about Alexander the Great

31.              Mr. Kent has had that job in Pasadena since June first 

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